#ironruby – shilling it up for fun and profit!

We want to be like IronPython.

12:54 < mletterle> http://twitter.com/mletterle/statuses/3056990457
12:54 < cj> lolz. signing up:
12:54 < cj> Unknown Error
12:54 < cj> An unknown error occurred while processing your request. This is most likely due to a connection failure. Please try again.
12:54 < jschementi> HA
12:54 < cj> M$ sux
12:55 < mletterle> Probably running a LAMP stack in the background
12:56 < cj> NO U $HILL
12:58 < mletterle> *hrmmrmm* *recorded voice* Sorry, mletterle can’t speak to you now, he’s too busy sucking on the teat of the Big Blue Monster *end recorded voice* *thumbs up, suckling noises*

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