Category: C.J. Insider

  • Back on the island.

    I spent a couple of weeks straight in the city. This is the first time I’ve done this since I’ve started working with Scott and the crew at RP. It was an overwhelming period of my life. Lots of social dynamics were fluid in a way that they have not been before. I had recently…

  • False Positive

    Since a bit before my birthday this year, I have been uncertain where I left my notary seal. I have been trying to stay positive about the situation, but I must admit that I spent an unhealthy amount of time obsessing about its location and whether it has been used in my absence. The last…

  • I took this picture

    Could you folks please update my credentials? KTHXBI

  • Trip Report: UW signing-party

    Dear Debian Users, I met last night with a friend from many years ago and a number of students of cryptography. I was disappointed to see the prevalence of black hat, anti-government hackers at the event. I was hoping that civilized humanity had come to agree that using cryptography for deception, harm to others and…

  • MySQL Meet-up 20141208

    I had an enjoyable time last night at Twitter with local MySQL DBAs and developers. We had an attendee who has no experience with SQL or programming at all. She is interested in organizing her collection of recipes and had heard a rumor that MySQL was a good tool to use for this task. She…

  • Happy Birthday to Collier Technologies LLC!

    Five years ago today, Hannah and I completed all of the forms necessary to stand up our LLC. Okay, alright. Our registered agent actually did all of the hard work. Thanks and happy birthday to you too, Molly!

  • Zelda bug!

  • Really large NLP corpora

    Jeeze people. You’re all noisy. I’m sure it was all done for posterity’s sake. 23M irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log 29M irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log 36M irclogs/freenode/#debian.log 37M irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log 39M irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log 43M irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log 44M irclogs/freenode/#perl.log $ for file in irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log irclogs/freenode/#debian.log irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log irclogs/freenode/#perl.log; do echo -n “$file: ” ; head -1 $file ; done irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log: — Log opened Thu…

  • Relatively high sustained rates detected along I-405

    $ scp .’s password: sh1-disk-20140420T070034.xz 76% 534MB 11.1MB/s 00:14 ETA Come on little internet! You can do it! You can push 100Mbit! I remember when this was the fastest I could send data across my LAN. Not bad for a 20 mile shot up I-405. Sorry if I caused any congestion there, folks.…

  • Windows is *still* loading files

    I’m moving the active directory server off of hardware on to the hypervisor. I think if I boot the drive as USB I can install the virtio disk drivers on the system. Fingers crossed! Only thing is that this first boot off of a USB device takes *sooooo* long!