Category: compiler

  • OMG Maven 3.0.4 on stretch

    “Why?”, you might ask, would one want to run something other than the most recent version of Maven on the very newest and fangledest breed of the linux distribution we have all loved for so long. “Because!”, I might answer, I’m trying to get the nexus-apt-plugin working on, and the version of nexus we’re…

  • GSoC 2010

    Earlier this month, I applied to the Mono Project (and the University of Washington, and Ubuntu, and Debian, and The Perl Foundation) requesting a mentor to get Perl6 hosted on the DLR. Last Tuesday, Miguel contacted me and asked that I chat with Michael Hutchinson about possibly taking up a different project. It seems that…

  • More DLR work

    Ivan put up a hudson server on our winders box. Ankit helped me figure out the IronRuby xbuild build problems. I should probably try it on IronPython, too. I sent the ironruby-core list a patch to fix some case sensitivity issues. Some time in the near future, I’m going to get together a bug report…

  • Randal Schwartz interviews Michael Foord about IronPython

    The FLOSS Weekly folks (including my homie, Randal) just published this week’s interview. It is with Michael Foord, who I just met a couple weeks ago. He published a book about IronPython. He mentions Mono, the DLR and IronRuby, too ;)

  • mono- debs will include array comparison patch

    Thanks to Marek being a superhero, we have isolated the changes necessary to fix the compiler from the tag so that we can build IronRuby with xbuild. I’ve delivered the patch to meebey, and he has included it in his debian/patches list. Without this patch, I was going to have to package up the…

  • CI build server produces Iron Python bins, too!

    Ivan has updated the build script to produce IronPython binaries as well as IronRuby. Get your fresh DLR-powered, mono-friendly, dynamic language implementations here: There are now links to source and binary tarballs as well as source zips on each of the build result status messages: I’ve been putting some effort in to getting…

  • Quest for the re-usable software grail

    Why should any more effort be put into building a system of re-usable software if The CPAN already exists and provides all of the tools necessary to create re-usable software?

  • Writing Free Software – Part 2: Makefiles

    Okay, so now we know how to write hello world in C#, compile it and run it. Next, let’s try to automate the build portion a bit. It’s not going to be very much of an improvement to start out with; we’re just replacing the gmcs command with a make command. But it’s laying a…

  • Writing Free Software – Part 1

    There are a lot of folks who want to learn how to write software, I hear. So I’ll see if I can write something up about it. I’m going to assume that the reader has at their disposal an i386-class computer running Ubuntu or Debian. This will all probably work for other operating systems, but…

  • IKVM basics

    So, I’m not much of a java guy, but I need to know how to get at the CLI, given a java interface. Let’s assume for brevity that one has an ubuntu machine available: $ sudo apt-get install ikvm ikvm-native icepick icepick-gcj …. $ mkdir hello-ikvm && cd hello-ikvm $ cat > class hello…