Category: freenode

  • #ironruby – shilling it up for fun and profit!

    We want to be like IronPython. 12:54 < mletterle> 12:54 < cj> lolz. signing up: 12:54 < cj> Unknown Error 12:54 < cj> An unknown error occurred while processing your request. This is most likely due to a connection failure. Please try again. 12:54 < jschementi> HA 12:54 < cj> M$ sux 12:55 <…

  • CI build server produces Iron Python bins, too!

    Ivan has updated the build script to produce IronPython binaries as well as IronRuby. Get your fresh DLR-powered, mono-friendly, dynamic language implementations here: There are now links to source and binary tarballs as well as source zips on each of the build result status messages: I’ve been putting some effort in to getting…

  • Ironruby tarballs available

    Ivan has been doing some great work on the Mono/IronRuby continuous integration server recently. He and Ankit got xbuild support integrated, and now we have new tarballs being generated for each build. You can find them here: I’ll be using these tarballs as the ‘upstream’ source for the upcoming debian packages of IronRuby. I…

  • I was going to write an opinion article….

    But then I thought better of the idea. Anyone who still takes bn seriously after the recent terrorist actions is likely not going to be swayed by facts, proof of their hypocrisy, their total lack of participation in the community and failure to engage with campaigns they claim to support. Rather than taking the time…

  • Installing Open Solaris as a Xen domU

    This particular dom0 is running Ubuntu 8.10 on an amd64 kernel using an lvm volume group called ‘vg0’. Adjust accordingly. Note that the credentials for this particular live cd are: unprivileged username: jack unprivileged password: jack privileged username: root privileged password: opensolaris I have been meaning to add a Solaris machine to my network for…

  • IronRuby stuff

    I’ve been doing some work with the DLR team at Microsoft and the community of F/OSS developers they’ve inspired on IRC & the mailing lists. I’m providing a virtual host that is being used to perform continuous integration on Debian sid. The current status is here: Maybe we’ll make an IronPerl one of these…

  • not interested in solving problems

    But don’t take my word for it. The folks on their IRC channel have put it pretty plainly themselves. They’re not interested in offering solutions to problems, they instead seem interested in bemoaning their lot in life for fun and profit. — Log opened Wed Sep 03 23:06:26 2008 23:06 -!- Irssi: #boycottnovell: Total of…

  • An update

    I don’t really have anything really exciting to report, so y’all get to listen to me blather. And after all, that’s what blogs are for anyway, right? Zelda is turning 11 months old this month. This is still my favorite picture: I have been dishonorably discharged from Amazon. It seems that I am incompetent. It…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Wednesday

    0843 Alrighty… we’re online. I checked in on #debian-mono, and meebey had plenty of suggestions on how to fix the .deb. 0923 There’s a talk on IronRuby. Microsoft is implementing a Ruby compiler on the CLI. It uses the DLR to do the heavy lifting. It is currently slow :) Contributions are being accepted for…

  • From Lang.NET 2008 – Tuesday

    0834 No snow today. The commute was easy. Last night, I downloaded the DLR and worked with it a little. I’ve hosted a gzipped binary version of the assembly on as well as a bzip2ed tarball of the source. A quick google search tells me that the OSI has approved the Microsoft Public License…