Category: irc

  • IRC logs for #ubuntu-us-wa

    Hello, google. I would like to introduce you to our chat logs. Chat logs, google. Google, chat logs. We will discuss things here such as Mono, GNOME and Debian. We may even use it to talk about work on the DLR project stuff.

  • Mono just hit debian

    Thanks to Meebey! Sorry for the being out of touch thing and the not posting anything recently thing. A vacation took me by surprise and clocked me right upside the head. Next on the TODO list: Update the dlr-languages package to indicate dependence on the new release make sure it builds correctly on my sid…

  • Looking to get Iron* and the DLR into RedHat

    I sent an email to the Fedora Legal list asking whether they will accept software released under the MS-PL license. My friend and former colleague, Brett Lentz mentioned that he was concerned that the Fedora folks might not accept software released under the MS-PL. So I asked. I also bcc’d a certain troll on said…

  • #ironruby – shilling it up for fun and profit!

    We want to be like IronPython. 12:54 < mletterle> 12:54 < cj> lolz. signing up: 12:54 < cj> Unknown Error 12:54 < cj> An unknown error occurred while processing your request. This is most likely due to a connection failure. Please try again. 12:54 < jschementi> HA 12:54 < cj> M$ sux 12:55 <…

  • mono- debs will include array comparison patch

    Thanks to Marek being a superhero, we have isolated the changes necessary to fix the compiler from the tag so that we can build IronRuby with xbuild. I’ve delivered the patch to meebey, and he has included it in his debian/patches list. Without this patch, I was going to have to package up the…

  • Debian mono-2.4.2 on the move, IronPython in its own package

    I’m too busy to make two separate blog entries, so here is an update on my Mono work for the day. I’ve helped get the mono-2.4.2 debs moving. The mono-api-diff tool was removed after the 2.2 branch, so I grabbed it from the attic, dusted it off and patched it for use by meebey. The…

  • CI build server produces Iron Python bins, too!

    Ivan has updated the build script to produce IronPython binaries as well as IronRuby. Get your fresh DLR-powered, mono-friendly, dynamic language implementations here: There are now links to source and binary tarballs as well as source zips on each of the build result status messages: I’ve been putting some effort in to getting…

  • Ironruby tarballs available

    Ivan has been doing some great work on the Mono/IronRuby continuous integration server recently. He and Ankit got xbuild support integrated, and now we have new tarballs being generated for each build. You can find them here: I’ll be using these tarballs as the ‘upstream’ source for the upcoming debian packages of IronRuby. I…

  • I was going to write an opinion article….

    But then I thought better of the idea. Anyone who still takes bn seriously after the recent terrorist actions is likely not going to be swayed by facts, proof of their hypocrisy, their total lack of participation in the community and failure to engage with campaigns they claim to support. Rather than taking the time…

  • Parsing English Language (if you consider IRC logs to qualify)

    Haha. I wrote this on October 3rd, 2006. I started logging IRC conversations in 2005. I’ve got lots from #perl and #mono. I wonder if the n’ere-do-wells who frequent those channels will mind me using their public commentary to build an english language parser. I’ll make it “open source,” of course. Erhm, I mean Free…